舞台美術 Sally Silvers & Dancers - Yessified!

ダンスシアターの舞台美術をしました。といっても、実は、公演は、今年の3月でした。最近、やっと写真の整理をしたのでブログに載せることにします。PS122 というニューヨークのイーストビレッジにあるダンスシアターです。PS というのは、パブリック・スクールつまり、公立の学校が廃校跡をダンスシアターとして使っているところです。

Performance Space 122 presents
Sally Silvers & Dancers - Yessified!
Sun, Mar 22 - Sun, Mar 29
Tuesday - Saturday 8pm
Sunday 6:30pm (No Monday performance)
150 First Avenue (9th Street)

Tickets regularly $20
Performance Space 122 is located at 150 First Avenue at E.9th Street

Iconoclassical choreographer Sally Sivlers returns to PS 122
with her first new group dance since 2005. Whiteness
is on the hook and down for the hybrid as symbiotic, open-face
Blackness. Silvers answers the seductive call of a stable/single
racial life by outing and othering it. Jutting and swerving,
Yessified! Is a hyperactivating dance of quirky, fun, wired
physicality, with provocative text and sweet soul electronica.

Featuring Javier Cardona, Alan Good, Sara Beth Higgins,
Takemi Kitamura, Alejandra Martorell, Miriam Parker, Liz Filbrun,
Keith Sabado, and Sally Silvers

Music: Bruce Andrews and Michael Schumacher
Costumes: Elizabeth Hope Clancy
Lighting: Carolyn Wong
Space Design Consultant: Yumi Kori

I created a bridge like "boundary zone " in a middle of the stage.
The stage is divided or connected by this simple "stage set" depending
on the movement of the dancers and the lighting design.

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